Friday, March 28, 2008

Rockstar Wednesdays

Over the last few weeks it became apparent that we just weren't able to make progress on our strategic planning at Tandem with all of the client stuff that we were busy with during the day. Plus, some of my fellow strategizers have other day jobs. I decided to schedule an after hours meeting one night a week, hard stop at 8 pm, and we tackle our planning/strategy discussions during that time.

We've had three meetings now, a different group/mix of people at each meeting. They are my favorite part of the week. Each meeting we've ordered food, settled in, and put together an impromptu agenda. Week one focused on overall strategy--what were we trying to accomplish? Week two we spent brainstorming our company values. This week, week three, we tackled some pesky issues with development resources and strategy and reviewed our interim bandaid of a website.

Maybe its because its in the evenings, maybe its because there's food there, maybe because I'm just loving the people we've got coming to these meetings, but those nights, more than any other time, I know we're going to be successful. I get re-energized. I get psyched about the future.

We're going to miss our Rockstar Wednesday meeting next week because several of us are off at client meetings or other previous engagements. I'm already looking forward to the following week when we continue to rock on.

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