Friday, August 22, 2008


Yesterday was a big day. After a year of planning, six months after committing, and three months building, yesterday we demo'd our first Tandem Learning product to a prospective client.

Yes, the demo is done.

Its a bit of a surreal feeling. Everything that I had been working towards is now out there for others to see, question, comment on, and hopefully, buy. I received a lot of good luck wishes yesterday from friends, and lovely flowers afterwards from my family. And yet, its a little anticlimatic. Not because completing and showing the demo isn't a HUGE step, but because really, the huge step will be selling it, building it for our first client, then having sales reps play it. THAT will be something, really something.

A few things I learned yesterday...

** Talking about the product with the demo is easy. Its like talking about an old friend. The trick is not to leave any of the good details out.

** It's not enough to just talk about the product. We have a broader strategy for changing the way organizations train their people. Our product is one piece of that strategy. It will be helpful to talk about the whole enchilada as well.

** People who get it, get it. But most people are far removed from virtual worlds. Pre-education and understanding of that is essential.

** My team is awesome. I don't mean in a "yeah, they're pretty good" sort of way. I mean in a "holy crap, these cats rock" way. I love them more than in a corporate way. None of this would have happened without them.

I couldn't have been more proud yesterday. I can't wait to show everyone what we've done. We're working on a "for public viewing" demo, but really, we're more interested in providing interested parties with the red carpet introduction.  

In the meantime, on behalf of Tandem Learning, I happily introduce the Virtual TerritoryTM. Can't wait to show you more...

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